Road Trip Day 1


Monday, July 26


On Sunday evening, as we were preparing suitcases and other things for leaving the next day, I noticed a beautiful evening sky and went outside to capture some pictures.

It was the pretty sunset in the west that enhanced the eastern sky in the first three pictures.

After a good night’s rest, we were ready to begin our road trip by 6 pm – which was our goal. This trip is a vacation, so there was no need to start earlier than that.

There was a heavy morning haze as we headed west on the PA Turnpike.

Before long the eastern sky behind us displayed a pretty combination of sun and clouds.

It was a beautiful day to be traveling west.

We love seeing this kind of display of faith in God as we travel.

Beautiful scenery in western PA

This pretty truck captured Cerwin’s attention.

Somewhere in Indiana we got a phone call from our grandson Josiah asking where we were. His mom – our daughter Diane – had just told him that we were traveling west and that we could be in the same area.

What fun to discover we were on the same interstate. He was about two hours behind us pulling an oversized load to Chicago for Wolfe House & Building Movers. Josiah called back to the office and they made arrangements for him to stay at the same motel that we had reserved. 🙂

After arriving at our motel, Cerwin checked out the lot and found a place that he thought Josiah could fit his long rig, then when we knew he was arriving, went out to the road to direct him in.

The guys walking toward the spot so Josiah knew what to expect. Watching him walk beside Cerwin took me back to almost three years ago when he had his awful motorcycle accident and we wondered if he would ever walk again.

Coming toward where I was sitting at the motel entrance.

Getting here wasn’t as easy as it may appear. He got in traffic construction – delaying him almost an hour.

Cerwin enjoyed posing with him – next to the Wolfe truck.

When Cerwin and Josiah went across the parking lot to get a sub for supper, I took this picture and when looking at it, Josiah said, “It looks like I am hauling the motel.” That’s interesting since the company moves houses. 🙂 The rigging he was hauling was for moving a building in Chicago.

Oh what fun to spend the evening with Josiah in South Bend, Indiana.