This Is What Our Hershey Spring Picnic Looked Like on a Cold Memorial Day Sunday


Sunday, May 30


We have been having unusual weekend weather recently. It is either very cold or very hot.

We were in Kevin and Amy’s large equipment barn instead of in the yard like they envisioned when it was planned. πŸ™‚ It was even too cold and rainy to open small doors.

Amy did a fabulous of organizing the food and what each person brought.

This family group consists of my family’s siblings and each of our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I think there were 60-65 people in attendance.

Marlin and Nate could be talking about hunting – or maybe not.

Amy (second from right) did a lot of work in planning and getting ready for the event.

Her husband, Kevin, (second from left) removed a few pieces of large equipment and did a lot of work in preparing the floor so we could use it for our picnic.

Fixings for hot dogs and hamburgers

Kevin and Amy thoughtfully put a few quilted blankets on the floor for the young ones and their mothers.

Maddie at the ice cream machine

Miranda made a gelati for dessert

Kylee with her ice cream treat

Our daughter Deb always brings special treats for the children. This year she had everything in bags.

Ezra with his bag

These cousins apparently had blue candy – I think lollipops – in their bags.

I doubt that Jeff was telling Nathaniel about the size of a fish, but they could have been discussing cattle or equipment.

What you didn’t see in the previous picture is that Jasmine was standing on her daddy’s (Nathaniel) feet. πŸ™‚

It was agreed that Kevin and Amy should have this reunion every year. Cerwin and I had it for the past 30 or more years and were ready to pass it on to a younger generation.