Saturday Evening, April 3

Because Jeff and Chris and their family are celebrating Easter at a later date, we were invited for an impromptu, whoever it suited, Stromboli supper on Saturday evening.

Bennett was hungry when he saw food and was the first to eat.

Jeff ordered the Stromboli from a local pizza place.

Ham and cheese

Steak and cheese
Both were delicious

Gloria made delicious pastries

Bennett loves “riding horse” on his uncle Nate

After supper we (and the dogs) hung out around their fire pit.

There was an egg hunt for Bennett

It took him a bit to figure out that Grandpa wanted him to put the eggs in the bag.

Bennett LOVES to walk and be on the go, so some of us took turns taking him going with him. This time he was with Great Grandpa.

When I took my turn, I had trouble keeping his hat on his head.

We were off to see the cows.
What a fun evening.
That looks delightful! It’s nice that the weather cooperated for you to be outdoors, too!
It was a beautiful evening – but a bit cool.