Great Blue Heron


Photos taken on Sunday, March 14


When I was coming home from Jana’s bridal shower last Sunday, I noticed a Great Blue Heron in a neighbor’s pond, so turned around at the next driveway to get some pictures. Of course, as soon as I stopped the car, it flew away.

When I looked at this picture, I thought, “It looks like it has something in its beak.”

I did a tight crop and see that it does have what looks like a small fish. (Cerwin thought I meant the white blob. I said, “No. In it’s beak.”) 🙂 I put that note in here, in case someone else is looking at the white spot in the field.

After taking the previous pictures, I drove to the next road, turned around and noticed it was on the other side of the pond.

Again, it few away as soon as I stopped the car.

They are such graceful, pretty creatures.