Tuesday, December 29

The day began with an extra ordinary sunrise.

It was like seeing fire in the sky.

Later I noticed the most ordinary of sparrows – a House Sparrow – in its winter coat, which is less brilliant than spring and summer.

When I watch one of these, I am always reminded of the Bible verses that tell us God knows about sparrows, where they are and when one dies.

It was a perfect kind of day to make a small kettle of potato soup. We had some milk that needed to be used before it turned bad and I had two large potatoes. It was delicious. This is when I appreciate having a container of chopped onion, celery and carrot in the freezer. I get the containers in the produce section of most local grocery stores.

While in the kitchen, I couldn’t help but notice the amazing sunset.

It looked like the “fire” was still burning.

A shot of the Waxing Gibbous moon – just one day before full moon – seems like a fitting close to my 2020 photos.
Fire in the sky at both ends of the day — a beautiful set of photos!
Thank you.