Our Christmas Day

Our day started with coffee at Nate (grandson) and Lauree’s house.

We planned to deliver their Christmas gift before Christmas, then were able to give it to them at Jeff and Chris’ house last week.

Cell phone photo – my cell phone doesn’t take great pictures.

I teased them that now they have to invite us for coffee so we can see their house. They took us up on the challenge.

There is nothing better than having time with family on Christmas Day – on any day.

cell phone photo

We left them at 10:30 so we could be home for our Christmas lunch which was being prepared and delivered by Jere and Kristen.

When we got home, Jere had already set the table.

Deb and Roy arrived a short time later. Jere and Kristen usually cook Christmas lunch for us, but because of COVID and her nursing duties, decided that it would be best for everyone if they brought the meal to us – rather than having a house full of people at their house.

Deb and Roy’s Christmas hats were a gift from one of Roy’s relatives and they were determined to get some “mileage” out of them on Christmas day.

Deb and Lydia. Lydia (granddaughter) added a bit more joy to our day. We were about to sit down to lunch when she called to see if we were home. She was going to a Christmas meal with her sister Abby and Nathaniel at his parent’s house – not far from us.

Deb wanted a picture of the two of us.

Ready to enjoy the meal.

Everything was delicious, but the ham was “over the top” – having been prepared in their smoker. Oh, my it was yummy.

We call this filling – you may call it stuffing.

Green Beans


Mashed Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

My plate

Cranberry Salad

In addition to the meal, Jere and Kristen brought some snacks for dessert and for many coming days. After I took this picture Jere brought us homemade taffy.

Roy and Deb came bearing many delicious treats and a 2021 calendar that Deb prepared. After taking the picture I realized that I missed the small shoefly pie.

I am glad we can freeze most of the snack items so we can eat these things gradually during the next few weeks.

It was a cold, rainy, snow-flurry-kind of day. We were glad for a warm house.

Deb and I enjoyed watching a few pretty birds. There were many regulars, but it was fun to see a few Eastern Bluebirds again.

Downy Woodpeckers are regulars, but are fun to watch.

We felt loved and blessed.