Sunday, September 27
Sunday School
Revealed Love – Genesis 45:1-8, 10-15
Teacher – Bob Copenhaver
God had prepared Joseph for just a time as this.
Do we see the needs around us?
Do we hear the calls of people with needs?
Oh, God make us an instrument of your peace.
Everyone wants to be part of the harvest, but only a few are willing to do the hard work of planting and cultivating the Word of God into people’s lives.
Bob closed the session by asking people to come to the microphone and pray for our country.
Sermon – Dave Wenger
Hebrews 6:1-20
Hebrews was written to a young church.
The writer of Hebrews:
Reminded everyone that God will not forget your good works.
Mentioned that he noticed spiritual neglect and lack of maturity.
Encouraged us to move on to spiritual maturity.
God loves to see spiritual growth.
Following Christ is a public and settled position in the heart of those who chose to walk with Christ and the Church.
Not following Christ is a public and a settled position in the heart of those who detach themselves from Christ and the Church and even become hostile toward Christ.
Anyone who has a sincere desire to follow Christ will be received and restored by Christ.
“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5 English Standard Version.
This scripture is not about the lack of God’s grace but the danger of turning your back on God.