August 30
Sunday School
Two Kinds of Wisdom – James 3:13-18, 5:7-12
Teacher – Carl Groff
A verse to think about: The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalm 68:11
When we teach and preach we are publishing the Word.
We must exalt Jesus.
We should be leaving worship services with the feeli1ng, “What a Savior!”
James (half-brother of Jesus) knew that his real relationship to Jesus was spiritual and not physical.
James tells a gospel that needs to be practiced.
Who is a wise person takes me to Psalm 15.
Who can dwell with God?
The person who:
Walks with integrity
Works righteousness
Speaks Truth
Does not backbite
Does no evil to his brother
Does not cut down a friend
Is not friends with vile people
Honors those who fear God
Keeps his word
Will not make a profit from those in hardship
He cannot be bribed

A wise person must be endued with knowledge.
No matter your vocation you will need knowledge.
You can have knowledge without wisdom.
The title of today’s lesson suggests two kinds of wisdom.
What are the two kinds of wisdom?
God’s Wisdom

Man’s Wisdom: rebellion against authority, stubborn, envy, strife, holding grudges, lying, hypocrisy, partiality.
Sermon – Ron Copenhaver
Hebrews 3:1-19
Do you ever have trouble grasping the awesomeness of Jesus Christ?
Hebrews gives us some truths about Jesus.
Hebrews also helps us understand that we can be unbalanced and follow false teachings.

God is love – but God is also just.
Eight pieces of the puzzle of who God is.
1. God is great and Jesus is greater than the angels.
2. Jesus was sent by God.
4. Jesus is our sinless high priest – our access and go-between with God.
5. Jesus is faithful – we can trust him to be faithful to our children and future generations.
6. He speaks to us through His Word. The Word and the Holy Spirit work together. The Word is alive and inspired by God. Visualize the Bible’s writers sitting with pen in hand, waiting for the voice of God. The Bible is not a mere text book or a history book. It is the Word of God. Beware. Satan is an expert imitator. He makes false things look true.
7. Our actions can grieve the heart of God. Hard hearts grieve and anger God. Satan tells us that God is not enough. Do not let your heart become hard when things don’t go as you planned. Remember God’s faithfulness.
8. You cannot follow Christ with an unbelieving heart.
Encourage one another daily because hard hearts can happen quickly.