Wednesday, August 26

One of our potted plants was beginning to look really bad. I am not sure what happened. It looked like bugs or something got at it. I decided to get a chrysanthemum so there will be something pretty in the pot for the fall. I like any excuse to go to a greenhouse – and this time chose Esbenshade’s.

Their entrance area is very attractive.

I noticed that perennials were on sale so bought a lavender plant and a pretty daisy-like perennial for the patio flowerbed.

Our potting soil was gone from earlier plantings so also got a small bag of that.

My next stop was tractor supply where suet was half-priced.

I took the long way home so I would go by this roadside stand – to see what they had that I could make for lunch or supper.

I bought lima beans, two peaches and a sunflower.

Before heading home, I went to Sensenig Poultry for stuffed chicken breasts and soup. The chocolate chip cookies were a splurge purchase.

After getting home, I put the sunflower in a vase.

Then heated a cup of soup for lunch and enjoyed a cookie.

My surprise of the day happened when I shelled what I thought was lima beans. Apparently I didn’t read the sign, because they were speckled pole beans.

I filled the round suet feeder and was soon rewarded with a hungry red-headed woodpecker.

Maybe I should have put the mealy worm suet on the top, because he seems to prefer that.

Later in the afternoon Cerwin helped me plant the flowers. He is a better “hole digger” than me. We put the mum in the pot. I chose one that was full of buds, but was not yet blooming. The flowers will be a deep burgundy.

I planted the lavender toward the back of the flowerbed so it can spread in the next few years.

I didn’t check on the name of this, but bought it because I thought it would bring a new color to the patio.

Supper included stuffed chicken breast a baked potato and the speckled lima beans. I made them like baked beans.
After the lizard ate my herbs, I’m a little reluctant to plant the next flowers! This looks like a fun shopping, and the shops look wonderful!
At least we know a lizard didn’t kill our flowers.
I enjoy that kind of day now and then.