Notes and Pictures from Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting

July 1– Via Zoom

Children’s Story by Ellie Copenhaver

She read the children’s book It Will Be Okay by Lysa TeriKeurst

Little seed liked living in the packet and Little Fox liked living near a familiar tree trunk in his comfy den.

They became friends one day when there was a scary storm and Little Fox ran to the Farmer’s shed for protection. This is where Little Seed lived on a shelf.

One day the Farmer chose to plant Little Seed where he went through a scary time in a dark, messy, hard place. Little Fox looked and looked for him. He looked everywhere – even on the tractor, then heard Little Seed calling to him from the ground. Little Fox spent a lot of time nearby talking to him and comforting him.

Little Seed did not like this place and wondered how it could be good for him, but he trusted the good and kind Farmer who said, “I have a plan for you.”

One day Little Seed felt something stirring in him. That is when he grew into a tiny sprout and eventually a very tall tree. Little Fox stayed nearby and lived next to his friend.

In the end, they learned that the good and kind Farmer was right.

Whether we like it or not, growing up brings change – but God is always with us.

In closing, Ellie reminded the children that things might seem frustrating and discouraging right now because of the virus – and now we just learned that Bible school is cancelled.

God has a plan for your summer – to help you grow strong and tall.


If you were not able to listen to her story or want to hear it again, you can listen here.

Opening Thoughts – Crist Bross

This is the end of my time on the prayer meeting term and thank those who helped and went beyond their comfort zone to serve during the past few years.

Speaker: Dale Brubaker, Rockingham, Virginia (husband of Sharon Bruckhart Brubaker – originally from our congregation)

It was good to hear a bit of a southern draw in his accent as he spoke. 🙂

Subject: Building Relationships – Connecting at a Heart Level

Scripture: Matthew 9:18-26

Building relationships and connecting at a heart level requires TLC – Time, Love and Compassion


Jesus (our example) took time to talk to the woman at the well even though He was tired. He created time for her.

Do we think our priorities are more important than those who need our time?


Love is part of God’s identity.

God is love.

God asks us to make it part of our identity and even pray for those who hate us.

Does our love shine through to others?


God may bring unlovable people into your life to teach you compassion.

Love is a fruit – not a gift.

Those who need love the most are often the most unlovable.

Dale told a story about a prisoner who had a cellmate he hated – really hated – and how they eventually became best friends. (Dale used to serve as a prison chaplain – and asked this prisoner for permission to tell the story.)

Hurting people hurt others.

Jesus in our example of time, love and compassion.

Where will He lead you?