Wednesday, May 27
I watched the brown thrasher pecking around the orange and grape jelly and wondered if it would be tempting for it.
Then it got closer.
It must have liked the jelly, because it stayed and ate for awhile.
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
How interesting — it makes sense that the birds would like the grape jelly, but it had never occurred to me! These are lovely photos of the feast!
I put out the grape jelly (cheapest I could find) in an effort to keep the Baltimore Orioles, but it seems they have moved on. However, there are a lot of birds who seem to like it.
I think that bird is a Brown Thrasher. It looks similar to the Wood Thrush but there is a difference in their eyes. I do love birds and the sound of the wood thrush.You do a great job with your blog and pictures! I’m from Delaware.
I agree with you. I didn’t even know we had them in this area. Thanks. I will change the title. 🙂
This is the Brown Thrasher.