Notes from Wednesday Evening Bible Study

April 8 – Via Zoom

Children’s Story by Debbie Rohrer

She opened by telling her Sunday School girls how much she misses them.

The book she chose to read was The Parable of the Lily by Liz Curtis Higgs – illustrated by Nancy Munger.

It began on a cold winter day when Maggie received a letter saying that she would soon get a very special gift.

She waited and waited – then on one very ordinary day a box appeared on her doorstep.

It was a wooden crate full of dirt. She was so disappointed.

A note said she was supposed to put it in a dark room and water it now and then. She placed it on a shelf in their dark cellar. Sometimes she remembered to water it, sometimes she didn’t.

Finally spring arrived and when her dad prepared their garden, she went to the cellar to get her gardening tools and accidentally knocked the forgotten crate off the shelf. The crate broke, soil went everywhere and the bulb rolled to her feet. It showed no sign of life, so she threw it out the cellar door and forgot about it – until Easter morning when she went outside to look for flowers for their breakfast table.

That is when she saw it – a lovely lily. Wake up, everybody! The gift is alive!

Opening Remarks: Matthew Patches – Subject: Being the Community God Desires

As we grow in Christ, we come to realize that He is orchestrating everything – and we are better together.

We are continually in a battle for wholesome relationships.

Teacher: Dwayne Fahnestock

I find it interesting that the subject tonight is being a community and I am sitting here in our kitchen – alone. 🙂

Connection is Key to Community – you, your neighborhood, your family, your church.

We know all the scripture verses about loving each other, working together, and being a community.

Each of us have a powerful ability to effect those around us.

When we have done well as a church community it radiates far into society.

If church is a place where love flows freely – imagine how far Christ’s love can radiate.

The Trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) is the only perfect community. There is no rivalry, no competition, no jealously. Jesus loves to serve His Father. The Holy Spirit loves to honor his Abba Father.

How well do we love the unlovable?

We each need people in our lives who encourage us to “keep running?”

Can you do a “happy dance” when you talk to someone after a church service and you learn they recently enjoyed a victory.