Sunday, January 19
Sunday School – I Kings 8:22-30, 52, 53 – Teacher: Dustan Rohrer
Do you pray only when you are in trouble or all the time?
God kept His promises to Solomon. He will keep His promises to you.
Bring every request to God. He wants to hear from you.
By praying we raise ourselves to God’s standards.
Opening by Sam Cassel on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. We should focus more on leading people to Jesus who changes lives than on changing laws. The “Wonderful Story of Love” changes and shapes our thoughts on the sanctity of life.
Sermon by Jon Cassel – How does God’s Word help me to grow spiritually? Psalm 119:97-112
What does it look like to grow spiritually?

The vigor of your spiritual life will depend on your application of the Bible to your life
God’s Word Gives LIFE
A key to making God’s Words alive in your life is to make it personal.
God’s Word gives us life day and night.
When you read God’s Word – allow the words to read you.
God’s Word Gives LIGHT
His Word is personal.
It is a lamp to YOUR feet. It is a light to MY feet. Psalm 119:105.
The Bible is God’s story, but it is meant to be your story. He has invited you to be part of it.
The enemy sets traps for you, just like people set traps for animals.
Jon told a story of when his family and a few others were recently walking through a mountain field when two of the young girls stepped into separate animal traps. Neither were hurt because of their boots. It helped them visualize how Satan sets traps for people – especially God’s people – as we walk through life.
God’s Word Gives Security
Only God’s Word offers security – not the stock market or anything else that feels like security on this earth.
God’s Word is eternal.
His Word gives us power to overcome the wicked one.
Nobody ever outgrows Scripture. It widens and deepens with our years.
What is next…
How do I study the Bible?
Commit My Whole Heart
Your heart must be in it.
Psalm 119:
Verse 2 – You bless all of those who follow your commands from deep in their hearts.
Verse 10 – I worship you with all my heart. Don’t let me walk away from your commands.
Verse 34 – Help me to understand your Law; I promise to obey it with all my heart.
Commit My Eyes
It takes focus to fix your eyes on God’s Word.
As you read the Bible, think, “Lord open my eyes.”
Your world will become clearer – like getting glasses when you cannot see clearly.
Jon said he remembers getting glasses as a young boy and seeing electric wires for the first time – and birds sitting on them.
That is what happens as God opens our eyes to His Word.
God’s Word will change you.

Make His Word Your Delight
Delight is passion and joy wrapped into one word.
His Word is amazing.
Lord, “Help me make your Word my delight.”
When God’s Word is my delight it will give me LIFE, LIGHT, SECURITY…if I commit my LIFE, my HEART, and my DELIGHT to Him.