A Delightful Interlude to a Cold, Rainy Day

Tuesday, December 10

Several of the TFC Global staff enjoyed an Ambassador Advisors’ Client Appreciation Christmas Event at Spooky Nook Sports Complex. (Carol, Ruth, Inge, Joanna, me and Linda.

Playing with the salad. đŸ™‚

Our table. From the office: Cerwin, Joe Matthews, Carol Henson, Ruth Martin, Joanna Maart, Linda and Rich Desmond. Trucker friends: Stan and Nedra Denlinger.

Following a few comments from Ambassador Advisors leadership and a delicious lunch, the feature of the day, Point of Grace, blessed us with fabulous Christmas music.

There were usually photos on the screens that highlighted the songs.

The keyboardist joined them in singing a song.

My favorite (new to me) song included the words:

One king held the frankincense
One king held the myrrh
One king held the purest gold
And one king held the hope of the world

You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNo_ZrMfmLY

These ladies can sing!