Friday Morning, August 2

Our niece Karen (left) called to say they were husking corn at the farm – and I could come get some if I wanted corn for supper. So, I grabbed my camera as I sensed a good photo opportunity. L to R: Karen, Ashlea, Fern, Nancy, Lindsey, Earl, Marian, Miranda, Heidi.

They (I think it was Karen) picked 150+ dozen of Honey Select corn. That is 1,800 ears. They all laughed when I chose to take 3 ears of corn for supper. Karen said, “That will really mess up our count.”

My sister, Nancy, (center) said she went to the farm at 7:30 am. L to R: Amy, Lindsey, Nancy, Karen, Fern.

Ashlea emptying a tub of husks into the pickup truck.

I was surprised to see Marian and Earl Fahnestock, but it seems they brought the electric corn silk removal brushes and decided to stay and help when they saw all the corn.

Fern, Karen’s mother-in-law

Lindsey, Amy’s middle daughter

Nancy later told me they finished husking and silking at 2 pm. They sold 16 dozen and froze 211 pints. I think they finished about 11 pm.
That’s a LOT of corn! Will you get more later on after the work is all done?
I may get some if they do more. I only got three because that is what we use for a meal – two for Cerwin and one for me.