First: I love seeing this across the road from our house.

The butternut squash are a new crop for our Amish neighbors – and it appears to be a lot of work.

The beautiful blossoms look toward our house each morning because we are east of the field.

There are squash everywhere.

Second: I love our country life because of this.
Today there was a note in our mailbox from the mail lady saying, ” I put a box on Jere and Kristen’s porch. I think it is dog food for Colt.”
She knows we are Jere’s parents. She knows their dog’s name. (I don’t even know the mail lady’s name.) She noticed they were not home today. She was obviously concerned about the box. Yes, Cerwin made sure the box was moved inside.
This reminds me of a mailman story my Grandpa Hershey told us.
One day he was husking corn along the road. (Back in the day when it was done by hand from a corn shock.) The mailman drove down the road with his horse and buggy, and after getting to their mailbox, he turned around at the farm and came right back. (Same road as the one we now live on.) When the mailman passed, Grandpa knew he would be back in about five minutes, so he put a pile of corn ears against the shock, and when he saw the mailman coming back, he started throwing corn much faster than anyone could possibly husk them. He wasn’t sure the mail man was watching, but took for granted he was. Later the news came back to Grandpa from neighbors that the mail carrier thought Milt Hershey was a pretty good corn husker!
I do love my country life.
Corn and squash — what a wonderful garden. And I love the story about your Grandpa Hershey — he must have been very well appreciated by the mailman!
When I look across the squash field, I wonder how many squash there are.
Great story about your Grandpa. I like country life too, although we don’t have any Amish neighbors nearby.
Grandpa had a great sense of humor.