High Family Reunion

Sunday, July 14

Cerwin’s cousin John was grilling hamburgers and hot dogs when we arrived at High Sports – owned by John’s parents Sam and Betty.

Cerwin’s oldest living aunt – Alice on the left – making choices at the food table with the help of her son Eric. If I remember correctly, she is 91. Everyone brought a hot and cold dish.

The dessert table

Enjoying lunch

Brenda and Diane (holding Biankah) visiting after lunch. They are first-and-a-half cousins (or cousins once removed) or what ever you call it. 🙂 Brenda is Cerwin’s cousin.

Larry, Mel, Ivan and Cerwin.

A mixture of relatives.

Everyone who attends the High Family Reunion gets free miniature golf or go-cart rides. Lydia took advantage of her two free rides by taking Biankah along.

Biankah was not pleased when the two rides were over. 🙂

Cerwin’s Uncle Sam (owner of High Sports), Aunt Alice, and Aunt Gloria. Aunt Esther was not able to attend. Cerwin’s dad, Elvin, and Uncle Harvey spend their reunions in Heaven.

We treasure days when we can be with our extended family.