Saturday, July 13

It was the first year this show was held at Lebanon Expo, which made it closer for us to take the chapel (FaithLife Center) and represent TFC Global.

There were a lot of Peterbilt trucks since Hunter Truck was a Title Sponsor.

I should have had someone stand next to this truck to demonstrate how small it is.

Notice the children’s train on the right as it traveled by the line of big rigs.

I could hear the noise of this monster truck on the track behind the mobile chapel, so went to investigate.

A group who had paid for a ride were getting off as I approached the fence.

You can see the new riders on the monster truck in the background.

This is what I saw when I turned around from the monster truck fence.

Cerwin was wearing his new TFC Global shirt.

It took me a little while to get used to this logo, but after less than a month, the old one is beginning to look old-fashioned.

The two International Mobile chapels – now called FaithLife Centers – are lined with information and photos that take Transport For Christ from its beginning in 1951 in Canada to our current day. The man represented in the above photo is Jim Keys – who was still leading the ministry when Cerwin and I became acquainted with TFC in the late ’60s or early ’70s.

We enjoy showing this display and information to visitors.

Cerwin talked to our friend Ed who was quite interested in the direction of TFC Global.

TFC Global is moving into the future trying to make sure we use every way possible to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and meet the spiritual needs of professional drivers – as they transport goods across our country.
I like the new logo!
We do too.