Notes from Sunday Worship – July 14 – Sunday school – Teacher – Seth Crouse – 1 John
When you study the apostle John, you understand that he didn’t just “arrive” at loving people. At one point he wanted to call down fire on his enemies. Now he is saying if you don’t love people, you don’t love God.
Jesus reshaped a place for us where it is safe to love. A place like a family dinner table.
A follower of Jesus will love those who are difficult to love.
Have you ever passed by or ignored a hurting person because you had a schedule to keep? Love may mean giving up your schedule.
Jesus calls for radical transformation. Radical love.
Biblical love is not always exciting and appealing. It is an attitude of turning the other cheek. That is not appealing. Walking with hurting people is not usually exciting or appealing.
Worship Service – Minister – Dustin Martin
What does it mean to be free?
It today’s world people think that freedom is the right to do whatever they want.
Jesus bought us with a price. Beware that you don’t give your enemy (Satan) control of your life by ignoring the guidelines of the Bible. Satan is a hard taskmaster.
Strength does not mean that you can do everything yourself. It means you ask God for help. It means you may have to ask others for help.
We have traffic laws for our safety. God gives us life guidelines for the same reason.
True freedom is serving Jesus – the “Good Master.”