July 8 – 12

I went early enough to get a few pictures of class rooms and the decorated doors.
The topic for this summer was “The Incredible Race” One Family, One Race, One Savior.

Registration. Each child must be registered.

It is always interesting to see the Bible school class rooms.

It is most interesting to see this room – our Sunday school classroom.

This is usually an ordinary room with twenty-something chairs.

Another classroom

The theme of airplanes was about traveling to other countries and learning about the people and the country.

From the balcony steps as children and teachers entered the narthex.

From the balcony

Jason Laughman welcomed everyone

The “Creature Feature” of the night I took pictures was the camel.

We learned many interesting things about camels.

Theme verse for the week

Devotions by Brayden Zook

“Storytime” skit about a slightly rebellious teenager (left) and her sister ( who got in trouble for covering for her) while the first one went to a friend’s party – for which she did not have permission to attend.

Getting grounded for coming in late – and the good lessons she learned while being grounded by her parents.
The adult class teacher was Crist Bross whose assignment was The Tower of Babel – Genesis 11:1-9
The sin was in their heart – not in the building of the tower. There was nothing wrong with the tower or the things they used to build it. Rebellion was their problem.
I found it interesting that in verse 4 they decided to build a tower “lest we be scattered.” Then in verse “God scattered them.” How many times do we avoid doing God’s will because of fear – then because we did it our way instead of God’s way, the very thing we feared – happened.
Another discussion was about roadblocks in our lives. Times when we can’t go where we want.
How does God want us to process road blocks? Wait. Seek. See the roadblock as God’s mercy.
What would our hearts look like if God never gave us a roadblock? Road blocks get our attention. Road blocks are healthy for our soul.