Sunday Afternoon, July 7

This is what Anthony did while waiting for the wedding to begin. He stuffed the straw in the opening between the two bales in front of him.

The flower girl. Bianka was supposed to help with this but preferred staying with Hannah.

Here comes the bride!

Howard Hess gave a short, excellent marriage challenge to Becky and Josiah.

The vows


Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Myers

Biankah and Lydia meeting the bride and groom.

Josiah with his sister Abby, brother-in-law Nate and nephew Anthony.

Josiah’s brother Hezekiah hugging his new sister-in-law


Josiah hugging Heze’s girlfriend Kayla.

Biankah and Lydia

Josiah and Becky with her two girls – Alixa and Biankah.

Becky’s Foster Parents and Josiah’s Parents

Becky’s family

Grandpa and Grandma High and Grandma Myers

Four of Josiah’s siblings

Josiah’s family

Becky’s best friend and her daughter.

The Hess’ have been good friends and mentors.

The photographer

There will be more pictures in the next post – of people and the reception.
Wow — I didn’t realize you had another wedding coming up so soon! And I’ve begun to lose track of who belongs to whom! Biankah really is a cutie! I love the look on Josiah’s face just before the kiss towards the end of this post!
Others mentioned that they liked that picture. These two met last year and began dating in February. They knew early in they relationship that they wanted to get married.
The picture of Anthony doing what little boys do tickled me. It looked to be a very sweet wedding. Have the Amish relaxed their stand on no photographs?
The people you think are Amish, are German Baptist. They are okay with photos.
Oh, thanks for the reply. Do the Amish in your area, or the Amish people in general, still refrain from photos. (On my way to “look up” German Baptist.)