For Josiah and Becky’s Wedding

It was fun that Becky (bride – in pink) and Diane used our garage early last week to get things ready for the wedding.

This material was going to be used to decorate the pavilion.

Abby worked on gifts for the guests.

The little ones (Anthony and Biankah) have become good friends and had lots of fun playing while their mothers and grandma worked.

Sunday afternoon arrived – and it was time to do a few more wedding prep things at the pavilion.

By the time we arrived, Josiah, Becky, and some of their siblings and friends had already decorated and set up the pavilion.

This display and pictures were from the weekend in Maine when Josiah proposed to Becky – at the beach.

Sand from the beach in Maine

The gift table

Mark (Josiah’s dad) noticed something that needed adjusted with Josiah’s suspenders.

They wanted a small wedding – with only immediate family and friends who were involved in the wedding. I think they expected thirty people.

The final preparation was distributing straw down the aisle.

Josiah, Hezekiah, and Mark

Everything is ready for the bride and their guests.
Love the hay and the location!
We loved it too.
I missed this post completely — must have been the day nothing came through! What a great venue. I like the ties to Maine and the beach, too!