Sunday, July 7
Sunday school – Superintendent – Rol Longenecker
“Pass the salt, please.”
We are salt. The church is salt. The Bible is salt.
Bible “salt” pulls out the flavor in others. It also melts cold, icy hearts.
Sunday school – Teacher – Nevin Ebersole – Matthew 5:13-20
Jesus came to do and represent the perfect will of God. How do we fit into and represent the perfect will of God.
Jesus helps us discover ourselves.
Can you imagine having your devotions with God each day without the presence of the Holy Spirit?
Church – Minister – Jon Cassel – Scripture – John 2
Jon began with PowerPoint slides of Cana and Capernaum, water pots, sacrificing of sheep, money changers and temple photos.
Imagine the One who created water and grapes showing up at a wedding and changing the water into wine.
Jesus gave us an example of caring for others.
Imagine Jesus walking into the temple – His house – and finding thieves and robbers. How would you react to finding robbers in your house?
If you have invited Jesus into your life, your body is God’s house. Are you caring for your body – God’s house? What is destroying your body? What needs cleansed?
Your body is not about you – it is about God – because it is where He dwells.
The temple had become an idol to the Jews. Today many people allow their body to become their idol.
Challenge: Respond and be motivated by God in how you care for yourself and others.