Sunday, June 30

I enjoyed the hamburgers and French fries, but this was my favorite dish.

A kiss from Mom

Another one from Aunt Diane

The entire group of people at the table.

The birthday cake

Singing “Happy Birthday”

Blowing out all the candles at once was impossible because they were on separate ends of the cake.

A birthday gift with a quiz.

Jere showed us a piece of crystal they brought home from Prague.

He created this star.

Can you tell that the professional had a bit more practice?
By Jesse’s next birthday, he will be a teenager.
That’s a magnificent birthday cake! And the caprese salad looks good too! Twelve is an interesting age — too old for kisses from mom, but still enjoying those kisses! Happy birthday to Jesse!
Twelve is an interesting age.
Perhaps, Jere made a shooting star. ?
That’s a good thought. I will tell Jere.