June 22 & 23

The featured antique truck in North Hall

It is interesting that the lighting in the hall made the photos appear that the truck is speckled.

Rigidply supplied us with a beautiful rig for our stage.

The Kingsmen Quartet did a fabulous job of blessing Saturday evening’s audience with great gospel music.

During the break in music, Gene and Rose honored the drivers and spouses with prayers of blessing.

Rose prayed for the spouses of truck drivers.

Gene prayed a blessing on the drivers.

Karen Rissler (standing – right) gets a double blessing as she is the wife of a driver and a driver of a big rig (a really big rig).

Ron Fraser, TFC President, updated the audience on ministry happenings and changes.

The Kingsmen were back on stage Sunday morning for the Rally Celebration. In this photo they are showing off Chris’ orange socks – showing off his choice of football teams.

Brandon – the sound man for The Kingsmen.

Following the concert, Cerwin introduced Chaplain Joe who shared some ministry highlights from the Frystown, PA, chapel.

Chaplain Chris told us some interesting chapel stories from the Harrisburg ministry center.

Apparently Cerwin captured a picture of me wrapping up morning worship with a few thank you messages and thoughts while the audience was blessing TFC with the morning offering.
One of our challenges for the weekend was raising about $5,000.00 – above the usual rally income – to meet a $10,000.00 matching challenge. ($5,000 had previously been met). We were pleased to let the International Office staff know that we went above the challenge. Thank you everyone.

Sam Rittenhouse closed the worship session with prayer for the noon meal.

Dean and Carole Ziegler (Country Home Catering) always do a fabulous job of providing the noon meal at the Rally Celebration. Dean is in the center – refilling a food container.

We can barely remember having a Truck Rally & Rally Celebration when the weather was so fabulous. Thank you, Lord, for that blessing.

John and Juanita brought this gift basket for the auction – and when it didn’t bring as high a bid at they would have liked, they bought it back and gave it to us. Oh, wow, are we having a good time enjoying these special treats. Thank you!
Our hearts are still smiling from the blessings and joys of the weekend.
We had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend, Doris. This is the second thing you have introduced us to that we have been blessed by. The first was the Sail and Sing Christian Cruises. John was never interested in going on a cruise, but I was. When I showed himthe pictures you posted of the one you went on he said, “Now THAT is a cruise I could go on!” So we did — and enjoyed it so much we’re planning on going on the one next February. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us through your blog.
Oh, that makes my blogging all worthwhile.
It has been a great joy to have your lives touch ours.