Saturday, June 22

Our day began at 6 am at Quentin Haus Restaurant with about 40 volunteers.

Mark Leatherman and his crew parked 221 trucks by 11 am.

Our son Jeff’s old Chevy

His son-in-law Donovan was right behind him.

Diana (Donovan’s wife and Jeff’s daughter) brought up the rear of this threesome.

It looks like we will have Auntie Anne’s pretzels. My favorite soft pretzels.

I picked out just a few of the many trucks I posted on Facebook.

Lanita arrived in force. I think there were 14 trucks.

Sylvan Martin held the banner.

If you want to see more pictures of the first 100, go to my Facebook page: If we are not “friends”, feel free to “friend” me. More tomorrow evening.