Saturday Evening, June 8
Continued from last night’s post.

We were located in the “Service Village”.

The therapy animals were in front of us.

This one, a Bernese Mountain Dog, is a gentle giant and larger than some ponies.

As I walked away from the therapy dogs, the train passed me on the back part of the church.

Children playing in the corn pool.

The music group was singing to those who were next to the main entrance.

Some of the people listening to the music. I just received an email from Slate Hill. They estimate that there were 1,200 people in attendance. (Notice the bus in the background). A variety of vehicles were used to shuttle people from neighboring churches and other parking lots to this event.

Alpacas under the petting zoo tent.

I think this was the first time I ever saw someone cuddling a duck.

The vehicles behind us included fire trucks, a police car, and a blood bank.

We had a busy evening. Some were quite interested in hearing about TFC’s ministry to professional drivers, others just came to have their ticket stamped so they could win a prize for visiting each ministry in the “village”.

These two ladies were quite interested in our Brazil ministry as that is where they grew up. They knew exactly where we have ministry in that country. Inge, you should have been along, they speak Portuguese.

This couple knew about TFC and were quite interested in some of the growth and outreach that is happening.

This man had questions about TFC’s history, so was checking out the posters on this side of the chapel.

Last year – when here – I learned how to make these hats. It was so much fun that I decided to try one again this year. It doesn’t matter if I don’t finish, they will do it later.

I chose a small loom so there would be a possibility of getting it finished. I started it early – just after getting set up and finding the coffee. I had about half an hour to work before people began coming.

I was able to finish it and took it across the driveway so my teacher could take it off the loom.

That will make a nice hat for a baby girl.

This is what the sky looked like when we pulled out unto the highway.

Almost back at the TFC Office.
That was a delightful evening.