Sunday, June 9 – Teacher Dustan Rohrer
Sunday school – Jesus Seals the New Covenant – Mark 15:6-15, 26, 33-39.
Dustan titled the lesson, The Greatness of God.
Would I have been like Peter – denying Jesus or would I have been like John – standing with his Mother?
At the cross: Some came to watch. Some came to mock Jesus. Mary was there because she loved Him.
Truths of the Cross – the altar that God chose for His Son.
- A forsaken place. There is nothing glorious about the cross.
- A dividing place. The veil of the temple was rent in two. It was a separation from the old and new covenant.
- A saving place. Jesus prayed for you while He was dying. The entire invoice for our debt of sin was paid on the day Jesus died.
Jesus left a legacy of faith to us – His followers. Because of the cross there is hope beyond the grave. The grave is the great equalizer: rich and poor, kings and homeless – all die.
Jesus isn’t asking us to stand near the cross. He is asking us to take up our cross and surrender our life to Him.
Church – Minister: Ron Copenhaver
Subject – Graduation. Scripture – Daniel 1:1-21
How will you carry godly values into your life?
Daniel and the three Hebrew children were dropped off in Babylon – a strange and pagan land. Graduates, in a way, you are being dropped off in a strange, pagan land.
The enemy is subtle. Satan makes his work look like the work of God.
- Be vigilant. Follow God’s Word. Read it. Study it. Obey it.
- Value each other. Value each other’s gifts.
- We each live in the kingdom of this world. A world filled with pagan values.
A current issue in our pagan world is undermining the authority of the Bible.
There is a popular teaching that says it is more important to follow “The spirit” than to follow the Bible.
This teaching claims:
- Following the spirit instead of the Bible makes you more spiritual.
- You will be more spiritual if you follow Jesus without following the Bible.
- Getting a message from the spirit is more important than the message of the Bible.
God’s Word is powerful. No wonder the deceiver is diminishing the Bible. Satan, wants us to hold a low view of the Bible.
Go into the world – your Babylon – in faith, following God’s Word.
Ryan Bruckhart – Youth Leader – read part of Psalm 139 – reminding each one that God knows everything about them. Take God’s hand as you move into the next stage of your life.
High School graduates were honored individually with a concordance or study Bible of their choice.
- Lamar Alwine – Ephrata Mennonite School
- Dawn Cassel – Ephrata Mennonite School
- Detrick Copenhaver – New Covenant Christian School
- Lauren Fahnestock – Ephrata Mennonite School
- Logan Fahnestock – Homeschool
- Brandon Heisey – Homeschool
- Jeremy Litzenberger – Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Program
- Conner Minnich – Warwick High School
- Christina Patches – Ephrata Mennonite School
- Seth Patches – Terre Hill Mennonite School
- Greta Shenk – Homeschool
- Ashton Zimmerman – Ephrata Mennonite School
- College Graduates
- Lindsey Miller – PA College of Health Sciences
- Levi Roop – Cairn University with a Master’s degree in Counseling.
Each graduate was invited to the front of the sanctuary where they were joined by friends and family for a prayer of commissioning at they go out into their world – maybe a strange and pagan world.