Saturday Evening, June 8

Slate Hill Mennonite Church, Camp Hill, does an amazing job of reaching out to the community with their one-night event.

The TFC Mobile Chapel is part of their “service village” – an area where community and ministry services have an opportunity to meet those who attend.

After the village was set up and their activities were prepared for visitors, there was a call to prayer for the evening.

Every exterior and many interior spaces were filled with something to do. This area was set up with tables and chairs – each with a prepared activity available – or you could just sit and eat or visit.

I went inside to check out the café – thinking it may be a place to get a cup of coffee.

I wasn’t disappointed

On the way to the back of the church to see the children’s activities, I came upon these pretty daylilies.

I took so many pictures, that I decided to divide them into two posts.
More tomorrow night.