Thursday Evening, June 6

Class of 2019 Commencement Ceremony at LCBC Church, Manheim, Pennsylvania.

This was our first view of Gloria (center left) – on the big screen – as she entered the auditorium. They walked in two-by-two from opposite back doors to Pomp and Circumstance by Edward Elgar.

Walking up the steps to the stage.

Walking to their seats. She is on the right.

Our view of her was limited for most of the evening.

The entire stage of graduates. I counted 232 names on the listing of the Class of 2019

Introduction of Class President by Mr. Joshua Weitzel, High School Principal

Welcome by Laura Forwood, President, Manheim Central Class of 2019

Star Spangled Banner

Following an interesting program of music and speakers it was time for the Presentation of Diplomas. In this photo Gloria is waiting for her name to be called.
We especially enjoyed the Keynote Speaker – Nancy Stevens – 1972 Manheim Central Graduate. She is a legend in the field hockey world.

Then it was time to hear her name: Gloria Rose High

Transferring their tassels

Caps in the air!

Now to find your own cap

Leaving the stage to Triumphant Festival from Music for the Royal Fireworks by George Frederic Handel, arr. Kinyon.

A hug from her sister Diana while her mom waits.

…and just like that our youngest (8th) granddaughter has graduated from high school. (We still have three grandsons to go.)
The next post will include the posed pictures.