Sunday Afternoon, May 19

We left church after Sunday school to get the wedding tent organized for our family reunion – my siblings and their children and grandchildren. Jeff, Donovan, and Diana were among the first to arrive, so Cerwin gave them a ride on a golf cart that was still there from the wedding the day before.

Before long the table was filled with delicious-looking food.

I put my birthday camera cake in the freezer back in February and brought it here. I cut it so people knew that it was for eating.

Before calling everyone together for prayer, I noticed that the four pregnant ladies were in the same area and asked them to show off their bellies. (While they were getting in the correct order someone shouted, “Anyone else want to announce that they are pregnant?”) No one came forward.
They are in order by due dates. Andi (left) is first, then her sister, Kate. Next is our granddaughter Abby. Laura (sister to Andi and Kate) is the last due date in this group.

Because of the lighting under the tent, they were almost silhouetted in the first picture, so I tried to lighten it. It is easier to see their faces, but I still was not satisfied, so I did one in black and white.

Time to eat

Isaac was more interested in the cattle than in eating.

Every now and then he looked back at his parents – almost seemed to be thinking, “I can’t believe I am getting away with this and nobody is making me go back to the table.”

So he kept moving toward the cows.

I learned that he was grumpy, due to being ready for bed, and had no desire to eat, so this gave his parents time to eat a peaceful meal. (They were keeping a close eye on him.)

Biankah was quietly walking behind her mom with one chicken nugget on her large plate.

“Hey, mommy, don’t forget me. I need some more food.”
I am excited that this little cutie will become our great-granddaughter this summer after Josiah marries her momma.

Meanwhile, Isaac is getting closer to the cattle. It was about this time that his parents asked him to come back. He did.

We were set up for eighty people and there were only a few empty seats – and there were at least fifty-five missing.

After lunch it was time to hide the eggs for the egg hunt. Some of the guys did the hiding. Jason.



These were put on the trailer where we later placed the chairs.

The children waited on the other side of the meadow fence until they were told it was time for the egg hunt.

Everyone came running when they got the word.

Except Ramona. She wasn’t in a hurry.

The youngest were “released” first – until the oldest (12 year-olds) were told they could go.

After they got ten eggs, they checked on their prizes. (This is Andi and Jackson.) Some of the inside prizes were money and candy, others had notes that said what they could claim at Deb’s prize table.

Laura and Hope

Claiming prizes at Deb’s table.

Biankah didn’t understand the note…

…but she did understand the candy that was in another egg.


Looks like Hudson got candy too.


Claiming prizes at Deb’s table

It was a delightful afternoon

We were glad this storm came through a few hours after we had all gone home.

That’s a good way to top off the wedding weekend! Your shots of the children are precious — I love the little one traipsing off after the cattle! How nice that the storm held off until after the festivities were over and everybody was tucked in at home!
It was a lot less work than having the reunion at our house like usual.
Another benefit of combining it with another event! It looks like a lot of work anyway!
I love your Hershey entries because I have Hershey blood in my veins. I’m real curious years ago when I was little we had a lady from Pa. that would visit us along the river. Her name was Hulda Hershey. Would you know someone by that name by chance? I think she attended one of the local colleges either Bridgewater College or EMC. I remember sitting around the camp fire at night and she would teach us new songs.
I do not recognize that name. My brother Dale and his wife are in Switzerland, Germany, and France right now on a tour of where the Hershey’s originated.
What fun! Thankfully the storm held off!! The food looked so good!! My mouth was watering.
I love getting together with family.