Tuesday Evening May 14

Welcome by Mr. Joshua Weitzel, Manheim Central High School Principal

String and Symphonic Orchestra – Shenna C. Shirk, Director

Concerto Grosso in D Major – G.P. Telemann – arr. Robert D McCashin

Surge – Robert W. Smith

Summer Dances – Brian Balmages

Giving recognition to the seniors in the orchestra

Shenna Shirk closing comments to the seniors

Warrior Legacy – Soon Hee Newbold

Concert choir – Christa Schimitsch, Director

Bitter for Sweet – John Chorbajian

Veniki (Brooms) – F. Rubstov

The choir seniors were also introduced and honored.

Our grandson Ian, who is in the Concert Band is the main reason we go to this concert. He is the one (right of center) in the white shirt with a bow tie. This photo was taken as everyone was finding their places on the stage.

It is fun to watch John Brackbill direct the band because he is quite energetic

Abram’s Pursuit – David R. Holsinger

Here you can see what Ian would look like with long hair. Because of the angle of the shot I captured the hair of the girl behind him.

A Simple song – Leonard Bernstein – arr. Michael Sweeney

Honoring the seniors in the band.

Shattering Infinity – Benjamin Dean Taylor

Moving instruments and getting ready for a full stage because the 7th and 8th grade band was being added.

Mr. Brackbill stood on a band ladder on the floor of the auditorium so everyone could see him.

Chasing Mercury – Travis J. Weller

The end of the last song.

Recognition of the directors: Shenna Shirk, Christa Schimitsch and John Brackbill

Ian with three of his friends

Cerwin, Ian, and Jere. (Jere was the only one who was able to attend from their house.)

It was a great evening. Thanks for inviting us, Ian.
That looks like a fun concert! Look at Ian, the little boy has grown up and is taller than both parents and grandparents!
That is what I thought when I looked at the picture.