Sunday, May 12

Another rainy Make-A-Wish Day

Waiting in line to enter Burle Industries. Notice the trucks ahead of us.

The trucks behind us – in the rear-view mirror.

We got set up during a period when the rain was just a drizzle. The organizers give us a great spot. Notice the fire company man-lift next to our steps.

At one point I looked out the chapel door and saw several Star Wars characters next to the fire truck – with the man-lift – and invited them to come inside and get warm.

I joked that they weren’t smiling. Then one of them said, “Oh, no I think I blinked.”

One of the reasons we go to Make A Wish, Lancaster, is to offer the drivers a 15-minute devotional service. The first one was at 10 AM and Chaplain Jake opened with prayer.

Cerwin led the singing of Amazing Grace.

Jake shared a challenge on facing our fears and a correct fear of God.

The children enjoyed a story Jake told about a time when he was afraid as a young person. He had a basement bedroom and was the only person in the house one night when he heard footsteps upstairs. He grabbed his baseball bat, sneaked up the steps, quickly opened the door and turned on the light. It was his sister’s large cat jumping from the furniture to the floor.

We did a repeat service at 11 AM.

Jake challenged us to live by God’s commandments, so we have nothing to fear. God will be with you during the tough times.

Following the second service, when the rain and wind had subsided, I decided to be brave and go up the fire company man-lift.

It seemed like a good idea since it was not a good day for walking around to take pictures of the 650 trucks that were participating in the day.

Waiting for the convoy to begin

This area is usually full of people watching trucks, but not on this cold, rainy afternoon.

The lead car

First truck
Pictures of the view from our chapel rig during the convoy in my next post.
That’s a LOT of trucks! I love the Star Wars characters inside the chapel — and the view from the fire department lift is really spectacular. Too bad that it was a rainy day. It’s raining here again today, and for the next several days — it NEVER rains in May!
That is good that you are having rain in May.