Sunday, May 5

Looks like it will be a rainy day for the Make-A-Wish Convoy.

I took these pictures at the TFC office while Cerwin prepared the truck for travel.

An unfocused photo of rain on the truck windshield turned out to be interesting.

On the road – up Chiques Hill – toward Route 30 West.

Howard, Lynn, and Cerwin setting up the canopy in the rain – behind the chapel.

It was a wet, sometimes very rainy day.

Lynn was the brave one to man the TFC table under the canopy.

We were glad for the dry, warm chapel during the 11:00 am devotional.

Tyler did a great job of leading two worship songs.

John shared a challenging message on “God’s Friendship with Us – Our Friendship with Others.”
The basis for his message came from Abraham Lincoln, “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.”
What a great plan for people who don’t like God. I must get to know Him better. Or for people who don’t like a particular man or woman. I must get to know them better.

God wants an intimate friendship with us. He wants us to get to know him better and “walk life” with Him.

Visitors into the chapel were lighter that usual, because the event had fewer people – and those who were there stayed under the pavilion where it was dry. However, we had some great visitors and prayed with this grandmother and her grandson about a particular concern.

Visiting outside the chapel.

Part of our TFC team from the York-Adams Chapter who help us with this event – Lynn, John, and Howard.

Lynn is great in creating promotional items, John is a chaplain with Christian Motorcycle Association and Howard is the York-Adams contact person.

The day brought back many memories for Lynn because she and her husband were involved in trucking before his death several years ago. John and his wife, Lory, are active with CMA and do a great job of partnering with us for York-Adams events. Lory was standing beside me as we took these pictures. Howard’s wife could not be with us because of responsibilities at their church.

The truck convoy began promptly – just before 1:00 pm – maybe because the rain had stopped to a slow drizzle by that time.

Following is a small sampling of the 200-plus trucks who were registered for the convoy.

Cerwin’s favorite truck of the day.

When it began raining again, I stood under this pine tree.

The rain became heavy again toward the end of the parade.

We packed up in the rain and drove home in rain.

I enjoy some of the towns and villages we go through on the way to and from Gettysburg.

Cerwin wanted me to take a picture of this advertisement. So he can attend if we are home that day in August.
It was a good (wet) day.
How sad that it was so rainy — but it looks like a good day anyway! I love your photos, and especially the 2 of the pine tree you were underneath!