PointMan Ministries – Iron Sharpens Iron

Greater Philadelphia Conference

Cerwin and I enjoyed a new experience with TFC’s International Chapel when taking it to PointMan Ministries “Iron Sharpens Iron Conference” on Saturday, April 6 at Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church, Allentown, PA.

Traveling RT 222 to Allentown on a Friday evening assures that you will see busy truck traffic.

Shortly after getting to the church and pulling into place, Cerwin discovered that the generator would not start. It started at the office the day before, so this was puzzling and frustrating to him.

When TFC’s President, Ron Fraser (in black) arrived, Cerwin asked if he could find several men to help lift the generator cover so he could apply ether to the air cleaner.

It was a cold, rainy evening so we were hoping this wouldn’t take too long.

It worked! We thanked the Lord and felt great relief.

We decided to go inside the church and help Ron with the TFC table – and set up the interior of the chapel in the morning.

Ron, as Director of PointMan Ministries, had a lot of responsibilities during the evening, so after setting up the table, we still had time to work on the interior of the chapel before someone could take us to the motel.

Next morning several guys helped Cerwin set up the steps while I put a few finishing touches on the interior. This was the first time we took the chapel out since last October, so there were a few extra clean up details that needed attention.

Before long men began arriving in busses…


…and motorcycles.

By the time the conference opened at 8:30 am, we understand there were 700 men there.

Ron asked Marlin Smoker to bring his beautiful rig and park next to the chapel because Ron planned to promote Transport For Christ – in an effort to make the men aware of our ministry to the trucking community.

When all the men were inside for the first meeting, I looked out the chapel door and noticed the chapel cross reflected in a church window.

More tomorrow evening.