Friday, October 19
We were enjoying breakfast when Susan said, “Look. Look.” A whitetail buck was running through the fields across from our house.
We expect something frightened it – like maybe an archery hunter. We see deer in our area but rarely from our house.
One of Michael and Susan’s desires was to see Amish country while in Lancaster County, so that is how we planned our day.
One place I was hoping to find was an Amish farm and gift shop we had visited a few years ago – on a bus tour. However, we were not sure where it was.
After stopping at a gift shop in the area where Cerwin remembered the farm to be, and asking questions, we found it! Riehl’s Quilts & Crafts Leola PA.
We stopped at the end of the lane to talk to this friendly mule.
I like this place because there is a gift shop and a barn – and it is away from the touristy shops in town.
Susan enjoyed sitting in an Amish buggy.
Soon Michael joined her
Amish “pickup truck”
Michael pretending to be the horse
We walked inside to checkout the animals that are in the viewing area. You cannot walk in the diary barn.
Susan befriending a horse
A brand new calf
Quilts in the gift shop
The gift shop is filled with lots of interesting things – some quilted others not.
As we were preparing to leave the church wagon arrived. This was filled with supplies for their church service the next day – benches and song books.
Back on the road we met more Amish farmers. There was supposed to be frost the next morning, so they were busy in their fields.
As we drove by Sight and Sound, we noticed a lot of traffic entering their driveway. It made me feel disappointed that each production was sold out for the day. Then I decided to call and see if there had been any cancelations. An entire busload had cancelled for the 3:00 pm showing!
Imagine our delight in being able to take Susan and Michael to this showing of “Jesus.”
Photos cannot be taken after the show begins, so I took a few of the stage while we waited for 3:00 pm.
The production was beyond amazing! I especially loved when Jesus walked on water and when the angel rolled the stone away on resurrection morning.
We felt bad for the busload of people who missed this show, but praise the Lord that we go to be there with Susan and Michael.
The sun was setting when we left the parking lot.
Our last stop was Katie’s Kitchen for supper.
Oh, what a fabulous day!
Thank you for taking us along on this tour of Amish Country! I think you would have lost me in the barn or the gift shop, with the wagon and all those quilts ~ ~ ~
You are welcome. It was fun to give them the tour.
It does look like a wonderful day.
We were blessed by finding the Amish farm and gift shop and then getting last minute tickets to Sight and Sound.