Thursday, October 18
We arrived at The Welcoming Place about 9:30 am to bring Michael and Susan DeBay (Ontario, California, Chaplain) home with us for two days.
Our first stop was at Merv Weaver Painting to show Michael where TFC trailers are sanded and painted in the process of becoming a chapel.
Then we went to PBZ (fabricating) to introduce them to our grandson Nathan and get a tour of the welding/fabricating shop where our chapel steps are designed and built. While going through the plant, Nate pointed out framework that was being constructed for the next set for Sight and Sound.
That reminded me that it would be great if we could take Michael and Susan to see the production “Jesus” at Sight and Sound. I mentioned it and Nate asked if he should check if Laruee (his wife) could get tickets. She is a niece of the founder. Sold Out on Friday was her reply after checking.
I wish I had taken pictures at Weavers and PBZ.
Next we took them to the farm where I grew up and showed them inside the 200 year-old part of the house that is being refurbished. When finished in the house, Susan wanted to see a calf, so we found a young one at the calf hutches.
I think Susan is making a friend.
We had a great evening relaxing and catching up on each others lives.
How nice for Susan to experience the farm with its calves!
She seemed to enjoy it.