Cerwin’s Hernia Surgery

This “cell phone photo” post is especially for our friends and family who were praying for Cerwin’s surgery this morning.

This photo was of Chaplain George Freeman (Shrewsbury, MA) praying for Cerwin before we left our final TFC Conference meeting last week.

We felt your prayers this morning.

We arrived at Ephrata Hospital at 8:30 this morning and were soon checked in and in a preop room.

Our daughter-in-law Kristen went along with us. She is a nurse and it’s quite helpful to have her listening to directions. In this photo she was making sure that Cerwin was covered and warm in the preop room.

The staff were friendly and professional.

Getting an IV

Waiting for the surgeon and his discharge to the operating room

He loved his new hat! 🙂

Back from surgery. The surgeon said everything went as planned.

Ready to go home about 1:30 pm.

Cerwin is doing quite well. His job is to take a walk around the house every hour and to make sure he breathes deeply and coughs every hour to keep his lungs healthy. He took his first walk while I was on the phone and doing an update on TFC’s email service to my computer. He didn’t even need me. 🙂