Wednesday, October 3
I knew the empty room would get your attention!
No, he has not been transferred to Good Samaritan, Lebanon, PA – where it appears he will be going for therapy. He just happened to be in the operating room when we arrived yesterday.
We missed seeing him because his time in the operating room changed from what we thought was 10 am to 2 pm. So when we arrived shortly after 2 pm we found an empty room.
The nurse said he would be gone 3-4 hours, thus we left his mail on the windowsill and a note on his cell phone. He was having his large wound checked. Josiah said they removed more dead tissue, changed the dressing (sponge covers) and the tubes that go to the wound V.A.C.
THE BIG NEWS today is that he sat on the edge of his bed, stood on his left leg and pivoted to his reclining chair – which is where he was sitting when I talked to him a few minutes ago. He expects that he will get back in bed the same way, because the harness (previously used to move him to the chair) is no longer on his bed.
PRAY ABOUT HIS PAIN LEVEL. He said his pain level is between 7 and 9 today. That means he is not very comfortable.
THE BIG NEWS ON TYLER. Josiah said that Tyler is going home today. When we visited him yesterday, he and Lori did not yet have that news.
Accident wounds like Josiah’s take a long time to heal — I’m glad he’s able to stand on his left leg and pivot — that’s progress, albeit small.
Yes, I was encouraged to hear about that progress.