Crepe Myrtle

I am especially enjoying our crepe myrtle bush this summer, because we thought the cold winter had killed it. We had to trim several branches, but the rest filled in with beautiful flowers.

Facts and information from the Internet: It flowers and makes you gasp.

Crepe myrtle is also known as the crape myrtle, and its scientific name is Lagerstroemia. There are approximately 50 species of crepe myrtle.

The crepe myrtle is native to southeast Asia and northern parts of Australia and Oceania. 

Crepe myrtle derives its name from the crepe-like look and texture of the flowers.

Most crepe myrtles shed their bark during the year.

 The color of crepe myrtle flowers come in almost any shade of purple, pink, red or white and are popular due to their long lasting flowers, which bloom in summer and autumn.