Tuesday, July 31 through Thursday, August 2Tuesday, July 31 – 6:00 am.
We are not sure if we ever remember seeing such large mushrooms in our yard – and these were right next to our driveway.
This one had an 11″ diameter. Noon on Tuesday.
The other one was just beginning to grow on Tuesday morning.
By noon it was no longer flat, but facing southwest.
8:00 pm
By Wednesday morning the new one was beginning to open. 6:00 am.
It was almost fully open by 1:00 pm.
The first one was beginning to show its age as its edges were turning up.
Noon on Thursday, August 2. The second one was facing Northeast – so apparently they do not follow the sun. The second one was also 11″ inches in diameter.
Thursday evening – the last pictures before Cerwin wanted to mow the lawn.
I turned both upside down for pictures. The oldest one.
The newer one was a bit lighter.
Like I said – this is the saga of two lawn mushrooms.
From the Internet: While mushrooms in the lawn may look unsightly, they are actually beneficial to the lawn. The extensive root system of lawn mushrooms help the soil retain water and lawn mushrooms also help to break down organic materials, which help add nutrients to the lawn.
I was not able to identify the mushrooms – except that they are lawn mushrooms.
Fantastic pictures!!!
Thank you.
We had white mushrooms in Africa that were that big or bigger. The Africans told us they were good to eat, so we did, and they were delicious.
I only eat mushrooms I buy in stores or restaurants.
What an interesting saga, especially since they don’t follow the sun!
It was interesting to me.