July 4 was a quiet day for us – and since we had just been at Jeff and Chris’ for a fabulous supper and fireworks show on Sunday evening – and we knew Jere and Kristen were having a work day – and Mark and Diane live too far away, I called Deb to see what they were doing. They were having an 11:30 am lunch at Logan’s Steakhouse.
I asked if we could join them.
What fun to have lunch with – Roy – our favorite living veteran. (My favorite non-living veteran is my Grandpa Hershey who served in World War 1.)
My lunch
Deb’s lunch
Roy’s steak and potato. I think Roy also had a salad.
Cerwin’s steak and sweet potato. He also had a salad.
We had fun surprising Roy. He did not know that we were going to join them.
What a good idea — and how fun to have such a choice of dinner companions! I had a quiet day, followed by watching fireworks from an upstairs window while I talked with a friend on the telephone!
Sounds like a nice day.