Tuesday, February 20
We had fun taking care of Anthony for a few hours.
He has a great imagination when playing.
I love listening to him talking to engineers and the people riding in the train.
On Monday, February 26 we went to Fox Meadows Creamery for Abby’s birthday lunch.
I needed an updated picture of these three for my refrigerator.
Cerwin’s meal. That one took a big bite.
Anthony got a cute children’s meal which included two small turkey and cheese sandwiches.
His sandwiches were shaped like a bear – at least before he took a bite out of its chin.
Anthony’s favorite item at Fox’s is their cake pops.
It didn’t take him long to eat it.
Then we did a silly hug for great-grandpa.
Anthony wanted to play outside before going home. We learned that he was taking six cows to another farm. (Remember I told you he has a great imagination.)
Oh, no. The cows escaped the wagon.
He quickly found five of them, but one was still missing. Then we found it under the sliding board.
He was finally on his way again.
This time he wanted Abby and me on the wagon so the cows wouldn’t escape.
After the cows were delivered, he played on the swing set before they headed home – and we went to town for a few last minute things before our trip to South Africa – like suitcase locks and straps.
We also went to Perfect Image to ask if they had time to clean the sensor on my camera – because a spot started showing up on my pictures. It was a quick fix for them.