Month: February 2018
South Africa Here We Come!
Our Itinerary is set… …and our luggage is packed. My really cool carry on bag was a gift from Jere and Kristen – from Thirty-One Gifts. ~~~ We have lots of exciting plans – chief among them is getting to see our granddaughter Jana – after six months of mission work with Youth With A […]
Nathaniel, Abby, and Anthony
Tuesday, February 20 We had fun taking care of Anthony for a few hours. He has a great imagination when playing. I love listening to him talking to engineers and the people riding in the train. ~~~ On Monday, February 26 we went to Fox Meadows Creamery for Abby’s birthday lunch. I needed an updated […]
Foggy Beauty
Tuesday Morning, February 20 I love the beauty of a foggy morning. I know it is not a nice thing to be driving in fog, but it’s pretty when looking at our surroundings through the mist. The trees were covered with droplets. Then I heard the familiar honking of Canada geese as they few over […]
Remains of Saturday Night’s Snow
Sunday Morning, February 18 It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and I knew that I had to take pictures if I wanted pictures of snow, as it was going to be a warm day. A tattered leaf blew across the snow while I was outside. Bird feeders are full of snow Azalea bush covered with […]
Sportsman’s Dinner
Saturday Evening, February 17 It was held at Ephrata Business Center and put on by Mt. Zion Baptist Church Shortly after entering the room, we chose our seats for the meal and program. This wildlife display was right next to us. Cerwin talking to our friend Kevin (who invited us to this event) at his […]
Ladies Brunch at Our Church
Saturday Morning, February 17 This is what each of us saw as we entered the fellowship hall last Saturday morning. The committee did a fabulous job of creating a beautiful atmosphere and preparing delicious food. Emily Jess Erma The theme for this brunch was “Anchors When Life is Senseless.” Food prep in the kitchen – […]
Valentine’s Day
Wednesday, February 14 After breakfast I gave the boys the card and candy – from their parents – who were on a business trip to New Zealand. After they left for school, I divided the peanut butter cups into three equal baggies with their names on them – so they each received the same amount […]
Be Still My Heart
Tuesday, February 13 Spring is coming! It is difficult for tulips and crocus to resist the pull of the warm sun – even on cold, late winter days.
Highway News for March
Tuesday Evening, February 13 When Inge brought the March Highway News to our place, I asked Jared and Jesse to help her bring them in the garage. Can you guess who loaded Jesse’s arms with magazines? I think Jared would have tried giving him another bundle or two if I had allowed it. Today […]
Marcy, Cookie and Me
Tuesday February 13 Cookie (Emma Jean by birth) and I had a delightful drive to Marcy’s house – where we were invited for lunch – to celebrate our February birthdays. I arrived at Cookie’s place early, and set my GPS for Marcy’s house, because I wasn’t sure of the shortest way from her area. It […]
High’s At Our House for Lunch
Sunday, February 11 When we heard that Reuben, Judi, and their family were visiting from Wisconsin, we knew that we needed to have another family get-together. Because there are always last minute things to do before lunch, we came home after Sunday school and listened to the church service by cell phone. Since the […]
Friday Night, February 9 – at American Music Theatre From the Internet: Riverdance is a theatrical show consisting mainly of traditional Irish music and dance. Since February 1995 the show has visited over 450 venues worldwide and has been seen by over 25 million people, making it one of the most successful dance productions in […]
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Abby
We love you! Grandpa and Grandma High
Lunch at E-Town Noodles
Friday, February 9 Following our pedicure and manicure pampering, Deb and I met Lydia at E-Town Noodles. We chose this restaurant because we were hoping to meet Deb’s former manicurist/pedicurist – who owned this restaurant. However, he sold it a week ago. We were not disappointed with the new owner – who took this […]
Being Pampered
Friday, February 9 I make it a habit to plan a manicure/pedicure for my birthday – and schedule it to work for our daughter Deb. (Since she lives an hour away, we don’t see each other as often as I see the other Pennsylvania daughters-in-love and granddaughters.) After we chose a date, I invited the […]
A Day of Feeling Blessed
Thursday, February 8 – My 74th Birthday Following a stop at TFC’s International Office, Cerwin took me to Gus’s for lunch. I got a cup of mushroom soup – delicious. Cerwin got chili – and we shared a BLT. Shortly after we got home from an afternoon appointment, this box arrived in our garage. It […]