Saturday Morning, December 23 – Featuring the meal
The pictures were taken without flash – thus the soft focus on most of them. Flash can be quite bothersome when a lot of pictures are being taken.
Laura and Amy in the foreground helping their children.
A hot dip and mac and cheese.
Crackers and dip
Biscuits, creamed dry beef and quiche.
My oldest brother Dale talking to our sister, Nancy. Benny and Laura (with Hope on her back.
Becca helping Abe
Molly at the waffle bar
David and Hudson with Grandma Brenda.
Anthony checking out the yogurt parfait.
Ian putting syrup on his waffle
Lincoln making a waffle
He couldn’t close the lid so got a boost from his dad – Neil
Lincoln and Neil waiting for the light to come on while Jesse prepares to make a waffle
Deb with one of Rob and Jess’ twins. I think it may be Isla. While Roy photobombs the photo.
Chris and Josiah with Jeff partially hidden behind him.
Kevin with Clair (his dad)
Larry and Mother Hershey going through the food line while some in the background prepare waffles.
Notice Dot’s Christmas headdress (left). She was in a celebratory mood because she did not have to plan this meal – as in previous years.
The dessert bar
Enjoying brunch. There were about eighty people in the room – with about seventeen who were not able to attend.
I wish our parents could have been here to see how large their family has grown. Mother died in 1974 when there were only fourteen us (with two more on the way). Daddy died in 1997 when nobody under ten-and-a-half was here or those who joined the family through marriage since July of 1997.
I waited until last to go through the line – when Nathan decided to turn the camera on me.
This is about the time I noticed that he had my camera.
More tomorrow night
Looks like lots of good people and lots of good food.
Yes – for sure.
parfait bar ~ what a cute idea!
We loved the creative ideas of the five couples who were in charge of this brunch.