Wednesday, December 13
Fruit basket and grocery box packing was finished when we arrived at church to pick up the one we were delivering. Everyone was told to arrive between 2:30 pm and 9:00 pm to pick up the item they were delivering.
Fruit baskets were done in half and full pecks.
Others were also arriving or finding the name of the person to whom they were delivering a Christmas gift from our church family.
There were snacks for the helpers.
These three young helpers were enjoying their snack next to a window.
Large grocery boxes – many for families in our church and community whose names were handed in to the committee. Maybe because of the death of a family member or another situation or hardship.
Committee table
Some people received poinsettias. I think they went to special church workers.
This was the report from the committee in yesterday’s church bulletin along with a thank you to those who donated money, baked cookies, packed and delivered the following items:
- 20 poinsettias
- 26 one-peck fruit baskets
- 99 half-peck fruit baskets
- 32 grocery boxes
We delivered our fruit basket to Harold Nissley whose wife died in August. He also had some medical issues in the past few months. We had a great visit with him. He lives in an apartment at Landis Homes. It was fun to learn that his passion is Trans World Radio – and because of that he has several books on how God is working in the lives of people around the world. I also learned that he is a cousin to my aunt Hazel.
After visiting him, we went to the other end of the campus to visit Cerwin’s Uncle John Sauder. He was reading the Bible when we entered his room – as he often is. However, on this day he said he wasn’t feeling like the words were “alive” – and just before we arrived he told God, he needed some encouragement. Then we knocked on the door.
I hope we brought him some encouragement. He turned 102 on Saturday, December 16. He is amazing.
I want to grow old like him.
What a neat story. We had one relative who lived to 102. Looks like you were a blessing to many.
The interesting thing about visiting and encouraging people is – we are the ones who were encouraged.