Tuesday, October 17
This was my first time to visit Doe Run Elementary – a brand new school in our district.
These photos were all taken with my cell phone – because the battery was dead on my Nikon. That was a first for me. A reminder to always take my camera bag – where I keep spare batteries.
It was interesting to watch the children shopping for books and enjoying lunch with their parents or grandparents.
Kristen and Jesse
Paying his bill
It has been a long time since I had lunch at a school.
My lunch – a banana and a chicken sandwich – and iced teal that did not make the photo.
Schools have come a long way since I was in grade school. I went to a one-room-school from 1st to 3rd grade.
After lunch Jesse shopped for more books. You can tell by his eyes that his mom was also taking a picture.
Time to go back to my office and work on a mailing.
Thanks Kristen and Jesse for inviting me.