But first, I snapped a picture of Jere and Ian loading Ian’s lawn mower onto their trailer on Tuesday afternoon, August 29.
This was after Ian was finished mowing our next door neighbor’s yard.
Now onto our afternoon manicures and pedicures.
Wednesday, August 30. This was for Jana and Deb’s 2017 birthday gift.
Since Lydia was visiting from Maine during a weeklong break before starting a new job, and Jana is soon leaving for a six-month term in South Africa with YWAM (Youth with a Mission), I invited all the other ladies in our family, but it only suited Lydia.
For us, getting luxurious pedicures is the ultimate in relaxation. This photo was during a scrub procedure.
This is so good for the circulation of my feet and legs.
Hot rocks. Ahhhh.
Feet in paraffin and legs wrapped in hot towels. Oh, my! Also, the chair is massaging my back and shoulders.
Some got polish on their nails – others did not.
Drying polish
This was a new place for us. We were impressed and our feet thanked us.
Jana and Deb chose Knight & Day Diner – not far from the nail salon.
Our meals
Jana and Deb taking a selfie.
We shared this dessert. Yum.
I loved spending a few hours with these three. So much fun!
You ladies have such wonderful afternoons together! The lunches look wonderful, and I can imagine the foot massages were equally great!
It was especially fun that Lydia could join us.