Sunday, August 13
The week was what we used to call “Cousins Week”, but all the cousins (our grandchildren) have grown up and have jobs and busy lives, so we are down to “Brothers Week” with Ian, Jared, and Jesse.
The Amish must have had church in our area. We met four buggies in our one-and-a-quarter mile drive to Penryn. We rarely meet that many cars.
Come to think about it we didn’t meet any cars.
The first thing we did when we got to Mother Hershey’s house is take pictures with the boys. Kristen wanted pictures for their scrapbooks.
After the first picture, I told Jared to get a bit closer. That’s better.
Ian and Great-Grandma
She liked taking a picture with Jesse because she was the tall one.
Doesn’t she look amazing for ninety-three?
Playing Golf.
Just like real golf, low score wins.
I forget who won, but I know we had lots of fun.
They have to play this game every time they visit.
They have been playing this since they were little boys.
I think Mother called this “Chase the Rat.” I expect it has a variety of names.
The rules were similar to Parcheesi.
Snack time with her famous snack mix. (We ask for this at every family dinner.)
That was a fun way to start “Brothers’ Week.
That looks like a fun visit — your mom is amazing for 93! And those are nice shots of the buggies — I specially like the ones of the little boy looking out the back!
She is amazing for 93 – and is still driving.