Saturday, July 22
Chaplain Jake rented a golf cart and gave us a ride. That was a nice way to see the trucks – especially those that were far away from the chapel.
I had opportunity to take pictures when Jake and Cerwin stopped to talk to drivers.
Back at the chapel. The gate attendants near the chapel got to know us because someone was always coming and going.
I stayed with the chapel while Cerwin, Jake and Jesse (Jake and Jane’s son) went for lunch in the VIP suite overlooking the race track. The tickets and meal were given to them by Peterbilt.
There were only 3 tickets available this year, so I went to my friend Bill Burns (Kenworth salesman) for my ticket. It didn’t include a meal, so I bought a hamburger and enjoyed it while the men left for lunch.
I went in and out of the gate fairly often to take pictures of arriving trucks.
We always make sure there are extra chairs – so drivers can stop and visit. We have water in the ice chest for those who need a drink. Notice the two couples walking beside the chapel? I had just taken them into the chapel. It took them awhile get their little one in the stroller, the reason they were just leaving the area.
After the men returned I went to my VIP seating and took some pictures along the way.
This is why I like when someone blesses me with a VIP ticket for the raceway suite – because of the view of the race track – and it is air conditioned.
The pickups and cars were first
Loved this little orange car. It reminded me of the little engine that could.
This one never got beyond the starting block.
This one had a more serious accident. We were glad to see him get out of the truck. Notice that he even moved the cement barrier.
It didn’t take long for help to come.
Apparently it could not be towed, because they brought a rollback.
Fixing the cement barrier and repairing the track took a long time.
I was anxious to see the “jets”.
If you want to watch them, you can go here
Waiting for the track to be ready for the crazy train – about an hour and a half after the accident.
The crazy train
If you want to watch it you can go here
The “big boys” were ready to race.
About this time Cerwin called to say that he and Jake were packing up the chapel because a serious rain storm was coming.
I was disappointed to miss the jets, the crazy train, and the big rigs, but knew it was wise to leave – as many of the vendors and truckers were doing.
I was glad to see the videos at the previous links.
…and rain it did! I didn’t follow the chapel because Cerwin had to take the truck route. I needed the GPS (right) for the first 5 or 10 miles because I was in unfamiliar territory.
There was a serious downpour by the time I got to Ephrata.
I eventually drove out of the rain and arrived home safely.
We had a good day.
Lots of fun seeing all the big trucks!
Yes. It’s even more fun to talk to the drivers and their families.